Wellness Care
Physicals (no PAP smears or pelvic exams at this time)
Chronic disease management (i.e. hypertension, diabetes, etc.)
Mental health conditions
Men's health (including low testosterone)
Routine laboratory orders
Routine screening orders
Referrals to specialists as needed
Acute Care
Respiratory illnesses, common cold, flu
Ear infections
Acute Eye conditions
Strep throat
Urinary symptoms
Skin rashes, minor skin injuries
Small wart removal
Musculoskeletal injuries
School/work evaluations
and more!
Alternative Medicine
Weight loss
Bio-identical hormone replacement
LDN therapy
Autoimmune conditions
Vitamin deficiencies
COVID-19 related symptoms
Services not currently offered:
Chronic pain management with opioid medications (alternatives to opioids available)
Chronic benzodiazepine management
Surgical procedures (such as circumcision, incision and drainage, vasectomy, IUD management)
Women's PAP smears/pelvic exams
Workman's comp
Vaccinations (however can be referred for these)
List is not all inclusive, please inquire for any specific questions you may have.