How is Manna Integrative Medicine different?
Imagine having the direct cell phone number of your general practitioner, to call, text, or e-mail whenever you have a medical question, concern, or are in need of a house call for evaluation. Imagine being in the driver's seat when it comes to making medical decisions, with your practitioner as your guide to navigate the system. Imagine what it would feel like to have a "doctor in the family." Now imagine no more! This is just some of what Manna Integrative Medicine has to offer.
You make a monthly investment into your health and well-being. Dr. Laack DNP, APRN-C commits to timely responses and individualized care. You get peace of mind that you have someone to rely on for your personal health care needs, without the influence of insurance dictating treatment plans.
As a Nevada licensed advanced practice clinician, Dr. Laack DNP, APRN-C has full practice authority to independently order and review lab tests and diagnostic imaging (X-ray/CT/Ultrasound/MRI), refer to specialists as indicated, prescribe controlled and non-controlled medication, and sign off on medical documents. Dr. Laack’s professional background in both conventional primary care and alternative/ functional medicine is a rare commodity. With over a decade of nursing experience, she has a heart to offer local families affordable, high-quality health care. If the traditional healthcare system isn't working for you, (whether it's waiting in crowded waiting rooms, difficulty reaching your provider, feeling pressured to receive treatment you disagree with, or something else), then Manna Integrative Medicine just might be the perfect fit. Come see what it feels like to have a provider that is genuinely and personally invested in you!